Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jesus is coming soon, I hope he brings chips.


We've all heard that our entire lives. Jesus has been coming back since he left us, and true with every passing day his return is drawing nearer. However, to live your life with the attitude that you should be a good person or a "good Christian" just because Jesus is coming soon, misses the point of Christianity entirely. As Christians it is our duty to show God to everyone we meet. But standing on a street corner yelling at people telling them they are going to hell is not showing the true nature of God. True, these people are talking ABOUT God but they are not showing God in his endless love. As I've stated before, these fear tactics do not, in my opinion create a true Christian. By true Christian I mean, someone who is truly running after Gods heart. Treating Christianity as an escotology as opposed to a way of living your life is a sad practice that many Christians partake in.
Now do I think that we should disregard the entire book of Revelation? No, but we in this country are viewing the "end times" as the purpose for our faith. I think we're missing the idea, the bible in it's entirety is a love note. God loves us and he wants to be close to us, simple as that. His desire, I feel, is for us to use the bible to learn the nature of God, to tell the story of how much he loved us...his creation. He sent his son to die for us, we tend to miss the grandeur of that statement. I don't have a child so I assume that I cannot grasp this concept. The best way that I can relate this to my life would be through my wife. I love my wife, she's conservative and relatively close minded so she balances me out, and I'm not sure where i would be without her. Now, let's say that someone hates me, and they are dying. Now would I allow my wife to be raped and killed in order to save this person...Hell no! For some reason we dismiss the death of Christ and the horrible way that he was killed because we've heard it all before. That's why I used rape when talking about my wife, in today's society nothing in my opinion holds a harsher connotation than rape. Crucifixion was the absolute worst they could legally do in those times. God subjected his son to the absolute worst pain imaginable for people who rejected him, simply because he loved them. That's the tale everyone should hear, when "non-Christians" are berated by Christians saying that the end times are near, that means nothing to them. If we don't believe in the god RA, then someone telling us that he is coming back and going to destroy the world holds no weight.
Again I say, I'm wrong a lot and I could also be wrong about this, but it seems like all I hear every new year is that Christ is coming back this year for a lot of reasons, and could he be...yes. However, the bible says that no man will know the hour or the day that Christ returns, so shouldn't we focus our energy on trying to find something new about the nature of god? Shouldn't we focus on trying to love people the way Christ did? Shouldn't we focus on the way Christ lived and not the way he died? Our duty is to show Christ to everyone we meet, truly showing Christ isn't quoting scripture and dogma, but instead showing love and respect to every person that we meet. That will leave them asking ,"what is different about that guy?"

thanks for reading

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