Sunday, May 10, 2009

With apologies to apologetics

Apologetics is basically the study on defending your faith. It's a major at most Christian universities, a major in arguing your faith to someone who does not call themselves christian. Does no one other than me see a problem with this? The idea that we understand the God of all creation and the interpretation of his word is foolish and cocky. Even within our own religion we can't agree, should we speak in tongues, sprinkle or dunk, once saved always saved etc. Each church has their own ideas, and not only that they think that all other interpretations are "missing God". Our religion is based on the idea that we serve a God who is bigger and better than anything we can describe or imagine, and even when God became flesh and died for US is in itself an act of love that we cannot comprehend. Think about a newborn and his mother, the infant doesn't understand the idea of a mother or who the person holding him is, all that this child knows is that someone loves him and is holding him. Same is true for Christians the importance of God holding us is not contingent upon us understanding him but rather just to be held. Isn't that more important than proving yourself to be correct?

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